As a speaker, speak from the heart but be sure that what’s in your heart is a message of hope that uplifts.

- Dr Tina Udoji.

Dr Tina is a passionate speaker who speaks from the heart to add value in a way that inspires people and not only motivates them. She entertains as she delivers her speech, automatically catching and retaining the attention of the audience.

This means that people who hear her speak go away from the event with enthusiasm, determined to implement the lessons learnt from the message.

- Dr Tina Udoji

Dr Tina delivers Keynote speeches and also speaks on the following areas amongst others:

  • Succeeding in life despite a challenging background.
  • Building resilient skills when it seems impossible.
  • Living life with positivity.
  • Create your connections now.
  • Living a conscious life.
  • Early years’ education and learning.
  • Montessori education.
  • Teens – harnessing their energy.
  • International education opportunities.
  • Turning yourself into a deliberate lifelong learner.

Often times, participants who listen to Dr Tina speak, start from the event to stay in contact with Dr Tina as they take actions to improve different areas of their lives with the passion infused in them during the event.

Each event is different so Dr Tina creates a message that suits each event. She collaborates with her client to gain an understanding of the expected attendees to the event, their general background, culture, values and need areas so she can create a message that appreciates the listeners, includes them, inspires them, validates their desires to improve their lives, offers life skills that make great impact in their lives.